The Modes of Renaissance

    The Renaissance Period was one of the impassioned times of the European cultural, artistic, political and economic "rebirth" on the Middle Ages. It was one of the greatest times of history in Europe during the 14th until the 17th century.

    But today in my blog, I will be showcasing you the 4 Modes of the Renaissance. Which in particullarly are Cangiante, Chiaroscuro, Sfumato and the Unione. Based on my understanding and on what I am trying to here is, Cangiante is the vabriant one and where two different colors get mixed to get the lighting or shading effect harmonized. While the Chiaroscuros is the one that has the detailed lighting and shading effect, it has strong contrast and highlights. The Sfumato is the one that has the smooth coloring effect where not much color or in other terms less distinct is applied and the coloring still looks smoothened. Lastly, in Unione, we can see the stronger definition of the shape because of its lighting and shading though it is not as detailed as the Chiaroscuro


Here is the Final Output Btw:

    Anyways that is all! Thank you for watching! If you wanna learn more about the Renaissance Period or about the Modes of Renaissance, then feel free to press the links here:,-%E4%BD%9C%E8%80%85&text=There%20are%20four%20significantly%20different,been%20widely%20spread%20by%20posterity.


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