Furniture Redesign (Rococo Style)


   Hello Everyone and Welcome to my blog, today I will be talking about Rococo art, Rococo or in other terms called the Late Baroque is an art period that usually refers to architecrure art and decoration in a theatrical style of creation. Usually it compels asymmetry, gilding, white or pastel colors, sculpted molding and trompe l''oeil frecoes to create a suprise and illusion of motion and drama. Now, here is my demonstration of Rococo Style design.

     So there you go! That is my demonstration of Rococo art design using furniture from my home.  Here is a clearer picture of the before and after results.

    So now you can see the different appearance between our normal furniture to the Rococo/ Late Baroque furniture designs. Anyway, that is all for my blog for today! If you want to learn more about the Rococo/Late Baroque era. You can refer to this site:

    I thank you all for reading my blog! Byebye! Take care and I hope that some of my basic information about Rococo Art Era helped you! <3


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