Surrealism Art

     Surrealism is a 20th century avant garde movement in art which is sought to release the creative potential of the unconcious mind. Based on my understanding it's like reality mixed with random fantasies or illogical structures. Here is an example of Surrealism:

Link of the picture:

    Below here you see my art on surrealism, I know it looks hard to understand so I am going to explain why I drew this. As you can see the outlines has an upper form of  a human and the inner of the human form has tons of nature and minerals. Actually this portrait is like me, I always think of the inner world and fantasies to the point where even the surroundings around me feel like my fantasies and inner self imagination too. 

    As an only child with a single mom and is always lonely I usually spend part of my time imagining alternative realities and dimensions. Imagining scenery and beauty of different galaxy's and worlds. Seeing realms and sometimes unlogical worlds like this too. To sum it up I made this peace of art because it describes how I imagine and feel internally.

    I know most of you wouldn't belive that I drew this, it actually took a lot of time to finish this and to prove you wrong here is speed draw video of my progress:

    Anyways, that's all I have to say for this blog, I hope you guys like my art and I hope I helped you understand surrealism more! <3


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