Wall of Intramuros (Philippines)


Wall of Intraamuros is a 0.67 -square-kilometer (0.67 sq mi) historic walled area within the city of Manila, the capital of the Philippines. It was designed as a tight grid to keep its streets functional but contained. It is known to be a city within the walls called Intramuros. The city was founded at the mouth of the Pasig river on 1571 by the Spanish conquistador Miguel Lopez de Legazpi.

This city within the walls we're created during the Spanish Colonization, it was considered that time by the Spanish Empire that the city within the walls are the entire city of Manila. Towns and streets beyong the walls we're districts of Manila and we're reffered as the Extramuros. On 1905, when World War II started the walls we're ruined. The remaining walls we're re constructed but the interior was never rebuilt and is being converted into a park. Now the city within the walls are called Baguio.

This wall, despite it's horrible past still has a huge importance to the human relationship. This wall contributes to a human relationship because this wall is part of our history and is part of how Philippines became a better country. This wall can help us learn more about ourselves and can remind the other people who visit here on how hard working and how much Filipinos have surpassed problems, trials, errors in life. This wall is also now part of the beauty of the Philippines and it bares a ton of ancient items, painting, statues and etc. So it is now part of a huge remembrance of our history.

Preferably, when you talk about mending walls and building bridges, overally I still prefer to build bridges. Why? Because why do we need to created walls that keep us divided? We are all human, we are suppose to understand each other know each other and to cooperate with each other. Wall may be it is used to protect us from danger, but why do we have to fight from our differences? We are all one and we are all creations by God. We are not suppose to fight, we are suppose to cooperate to make this world a better and brighter place to be in. Let's all be connected, let's all connect each other together like we're suppose to be. Anyways that is all for my blog, thank you for taking ur time to read this and I hope you can visit the walls of th

https://theculturetrip.com/asia/philippines/articles/the-history-of-manilas-walled-city-of-intramuros/e Philippines!

If you want more information, this is where I got my intel:





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