Romeo and Juliet Balcony Stage Design
This is my balcony stage design for Romeo and Juliet, and you may ask, why so many plants and nature on the stage? Well here is my explanation. The balcony scene for Romeo and Juliet has a lot of nature around the castle as I read the book and saw the movie, so I decided that I should add a lot of nature items to make it feel like the exact scene shown and known from the story.
This stage is also edited by me and im not really the best at doing so, but based from the scene I saw. This the best interpretation I could do to make it look like the balcony scene. I tried my best and it took me quite some time. I wish I could make it better but as I said unafortunately, im not really good aat editing. Hehe anyways, this is my stage design and I hope you guys like it! <3
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