Romanesque Art


    Hello, welcome to my blog! Today in this blog, we will be talking about Arts. It will be all about Romanesque. So... what is Romanesque? So Romanesque art is the art of Europe from approximately 1000 AD to the rise of the Gothic style in the 12th century, or later, depending on region.

    So based from what I understand about this art is that, you will usually see these art creations at Europe churches and that this art creations showcases the people who came from their bible. So basically they make art creations of the people in their bible as a sign of appreciation of them.

    I the creator of this blog made an art of this particular era and I want to show u my processes of how I created it:


    As you can see in that video, I made an art relating to Romanesque art. Here is a better look also of the final output vs the original reference output I tried to follow in my own artstyle.

My Artstyle:

The original style:

    So... let's talk about more of Romanesque now.. first of all you may ask, why is it called Romanesque? The term "Romanesque" is referred to the manner of the romans. 

Well you may also ask, who started Romanesque Art, well the person who started it goes by the name of Abott Oliba. His first Romanesques style was developed in the north of Italy, some parts of France and the Iberian Peninsula during the 10th and 11th centuries. Abott Oliba of the Monastery of Santa Maria de Ripoll served as an important supporter of this art era.

    So what romanesque also influenced by? Well it is greatly influenced by Byzantine art, especially in painting, and by thine anti-classical energy of the decoration of the Insular art of the Bristish Isles. From these elements were forced by a highly innovative and coherent style.

   Also, Romanesque art resulted from the great expansion of monasticism in the 10th and 11th centuries, when Europe first regained a measure of political stability after the fall of the Roman Empire. 

    Now as we end this blog, you would ask, how did this became important to the society? Well for me, it is important because of the traditions that they have created and because this is part of history. Anyways, that's all I could say about the blog! Thank you for reading!

Links of the information I referred to if you wanna learn more!:,as%20the%20Pre%2DRomanesque%20period.,of%20the%20First%20Romanesque%20style.


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